The protection of Computer Rooms, Co-Location Rooms, UPS/Battery Rooms, Generator Rooms, Tape Libraries, and Network Operation Centers is vital to business uptime. Whether you are in the high-tech or low-tech business, interruption from a fire condition can mean huge losses for you and your clients. Systems commonly used are Clean Agent Fire Suppression, Incipient Fire Detection, Conventional Fire Detection, Pre-action Sprinkler, and Water Mist.
Without telephone service, businesses are virtually paralyzed. Unable to communicate internally or with customers, businesses lose thousands of dollars a minute. That is why it is critical to protect Switch Rooms, Demarcation Rooms, DC Power Plants, and Generator Enclosures. Systems commonly used are Clean Agent Fire Suppression, Incipient Fire Detection, Conventional Fire Detection, Pre-action Sprinkler, and Water Mist.
Nexus Alarm & Suppression provides comprehensive fire safety solutions for commercial and industrial businesses around the world. Our unique combination of products and services allow our clients to create custom solutions designed to help protect their buildings, factories, equipment, properties and people on the job, out in the field and around the clock. Where safety is paramount, major industrial and commercial facilities worldwide rely on us.
Ask yourself a question. Is your facility adequately protected from fire, smoke, and water damage? Are your employees and property adequately protected from vandalism, intrusion, or assault? Is your communication infrastructure allowing the new data equipment you just made a significant investment in to operate at its peak? Can you monitor and track the vital functions within you facility? Maybe you are not sure. In today’s business world uptime and performance is everything. Critical data must be allowed to flow uninterrupted. Phone lines must be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Product must be able to be manufactured and shipped to meet your customer’s orders.
If these processes are interrupted because of a fire, a leaky sprinkler pipe, data interruption, or even a breach in security it could cost your company millions in lost revenue. That is not to mention your credibility with the business community.
With services being rendered nationwide, Nexus Alarm and Suppression can provide you with low voltage protection and communication systems that seamlessly integrate with your facility needs. Our smoke detection systems react quickly to notify you of a potential fire situation. Our suppression systems quickly snuff out fires in their incipient stage and our protection systems alert you to the slightest change in a protected area. These systems integrate with your sprinkler system to ensure that water does not ruin millions of dollars in computers, inventory, and processes.